
Katarina is a 20 year old Fashion Merchandising/Retail Marketing major and all things fashion enthusiast from New York.  She goes to school at Johnson and Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island and will be graduating in May, 2018.  She originally started her Instagram page, “fashiionsfinest”, when she was just 14 years old.  Katarina became inspired to post fashion related pictures because she continuously saw girls on Instagram wearing the same outfits she had and thought to herself, “Why aren’t I posting them too!?”  She was always excited about picking out her outfit and wanted to showcase her style to more people than just people at her school.  Also, every morning she remembers taking a picture of what she wore that day.  However, these pictures were very low quality and just for the sole purpose so that she would remember what she has recently worn and would not repeat an outfit too soon!  Seems silly now, but that’s basically how Fashiionsfinest evolved!  A few years later, Katarina felt like only posting a picture on Instagram wasn’t enough.  She wanted more engagement and to explain in depth about her pictures, so she created this blog!  She is now a Junior in college trying to work her way up in the blogging world one step at a time. Stay in touch with her through this blog and Instagram (@fashiionsfinest) to see outfits, travels, and her newest fashion finds!   
